Privacy Policy

Our employees will never request, write down or otherwise acquire personal information from students including but not limited too: phone numbers, social media accounts, email address, home address, postal code, or information regarding family/ friends unrelated to tutoring arrangements.

Upon termination of services most information related to former clients will be erased/deleted in a timely and appropriate manner. Only notebooks, worksheets, or other purely educational content may be saved for use in developing future lessons.

In the event an employee is found or reported of inappropriate conduct ( inappropriate touching or comments, racist, sexist, homophobic, or other legally recognized hate speech, requesting or providing illicit substances or items, requesting or providing finances or other capital, inappropriate dress, or pushing / deriding political or religious opinions) the event will be thoroughly investigated and any proven wrong doing shall be dealt with in the appropriate manner ( suspension, various sensitivity trainings, termination etc.).

Terms & Conditons

Payment for services must be paid in advance or scheduled appointment. In the event of an employee not attending a scheduled lesson or being late by 10 or more minutes, a full refund shall be issued for the corresponding lesson. In the event of an un-declared, non-emergency absence of a lesson by a client no refund shall be issued.

Any arranged appointment may be rescheduled to any other available time slot provided notification of any rescheduling is communicated with at least 6 hours of advance notice. Lessons that are canceled 6 hours or more in advance shall be issued a full refund, however lessons canceled less than 6 hours in advance shall not be issued a refund except in emergency cases.

In the event of an emergency(medical, environmental, criminal, etc.) occurring mid-lesson the lesson will be terminated, and provided all parties are capable of rescheduling the terminated lesson, efforts shall be made to do so. Should the lesson not be able to be rescheduled either due to the related event or its consequences, a partial or full refund shall be issued depending on the length of time spent before the related emergency. Full refunds shall be issued for lessons lasting less than 15 minutes, with $10 being withheld for every 10 minutes after that. lessons lasting longer than 45 minutes shall not be eligible for refund.

South London Tutoring currently offers lessons only in English, and students must be able to both understand and communicate in English in a basic capacity. We hope to expand to include other languages present in our community in the future to help better serve the diverse city of London.

No current employee of South London Tutoring is currently qualified with a Special Education certificate / degree, however just as with expanding lessons in multiple languages we will do our best to accommodate any special needs of our students and expand with staff with higher qualifications in the field.

All clients shall be required to schedule appointments through the scheduling program provided by web-host, and agree that the email generated by the service shall act as both contract and receipt for services rendered. Client will be provided with a copy of all contracts generated. All clients shall also agree to provide only correct information in scheduling software and in the event of false information being provided shall forfeit the clients ability to request a refund.

South London Tutoring reserves the right to refuse service to clients that are highly aggressive or violent, clients found stealing or defaming company property, or other serious physical or mental abuse and should clients exercise aforementioned behaviors shall forfeit the clients ability to request a refund and shall be held liable for any resulting costs/damages.

South London Tutoring cannot guarantee our services will be the best fit for every student. We will always try our best to help students improve their academics with multiple methods before raising issue with parents. Should no solution be found during discussion on how to proceed, full refunds shall be issued for any scheduled lessons occurring more than 6 hours after the decision to terminate services.